Category Archives: Quick makes

Birthday themed challenge card

Stampin up celebrate today soft sky crushed curry

This is only my second ever crafting challenge – here for the Girls Gone Wild Weekend Challenge. Here was the sketch


which is quite a classic. I liked that the post encouraged you to think about what you saw in the circle – they had a rabbit in one of theirs. I decided it made me think ofย a balloon (not terribly creative, but not exactly a circle either) and this cheerful card popped out while my little ‘uns were sleeping (a coordinated nap time – I couldn’t believe it!). I didn’t have long as we had to wake them up early for a 5 pm showing of ‘Peppa Pig Live!’ – UGH. While it was fun to see my toddler get really into the show, I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Away from the screaming (excitement) and crying (tantrums – not my son thank goodness) and high squeaky voices and back into my very peaceful craft room. Phew.


I am also pleased that I used my aqua painters for the first time – it was really easy to get a watercolor effect with no skill. I had hoped to create something reminiscent of sky… not sure I did, but glad I tried because I liked the end product.

The cleaning lady comes in tomorrow instead of her usual Tuesday spot – this means NO CHORES tomorrow night. If the kiddos comply (Yes, I am still wrapped around their schedules a bit, but that is because Caroline is only 4 months!) I might get to participate in “Make it Monday”. Keep your fingers crossed for me ๐Ÿ™‚

Tool box (less the Best day Ever DSP which is retired):


Teacher Valentines Card

A nice cuppa stampin up

I had planned a crafty evening, and my three-year old complied by going to bed early without a fuss… my 3 month old is going through a growth spurt and had other ideas. She’s a great sleeper, just not when she is hungry. As I try not to give her bottles when she is with me, and my milk supply isn’t great, the upshot is that feeding can take a while… cutting into my precious crafting time :-0

I finally sat down at 8.15 pm, and I pump milk at 9.30, so Sam’s teacher Valentines had to be quick and easy… For Christmas the teachers got a mixing bowl with muffin mix, a whisk and the sign “We whisk you a Merry Christmas”. I thought the Cake Boss bowls were the cutest so I am giving the teachers a matching Cake Boss mug filled with teabags and a sign “I love my “tea”cher”. [geddit]. So for the cards, “You are “tea”riffic” seemed cheerily appropriate.


Plus, I am British so it works. And I made 10 cards (2 children * (3 teachers + 2 morning supervisors)) in an hour. Nice. The pearls are my favorite part ๐Ÿ™‚



OK, it’s 11,44 pm and Caroline generally wakes to feed at 1. Boy, am I going to be tired tomorrow. She’s too cute to be mad at though.
