Tag Archives: challenges

Birthday themed challenge card

Stampin up celebrate today soft sky crushed curry

This is only my second ever crafting challenge – here for the Girls Gone Wild Weekend Challenge. Here was the sketch


which is quite a classic. I liked that the post encouraged you to think about what you saw in the circle – they had a rabbit in one of theirs. I decided it made me think of a balloon (not terribly creative, but not exactly a circle either) and this cheerful card popped out while my little ‘uns were sleeping (a coordinated nap time – I couldn’t believe it!). I didn’t have long as we had to wake them up early for a 5 pm showing of ‘Peppa Pig Live!’ – UGH. While it was fun to see my toddler get really into the show, I couldn’t get out of there fast enough. Away from the screaming (excitement) and crying (tantrums – not my son thank goodness) and high squeaky voices and back into my very peaceful craft room. Phew.


I am also pleased that I used my aqua painters for the first time – it was really easy to get a watercolor effect with no skill. I had hoped to create something reminiscent of sky… not sure I did, but glad I tried because I liked the end product.

The cleaning lady comes in tomorrow instead of her usual Tuesday spot – this means NO CHORES tomorrow night. If the kiddos comply (Yes, I am still wrapped around their schedules a bit, but that is because Caroline is only 4 months!) I might get to participate in “Make it Monday”. Keep your fingers crossed for me 🙂

Tool box (less the Best day Ever DSP which is retired):


Friendship / Thank you card

mossy meadow lost lagoon blackberry bliss stamping up butterflies flowers


I participated in my first craft challenge. Fab Friday challenged us to use three strong colors in one:

Link love July 31_4


which was daunting for me, as I have been focussing too much on 2-color cards, and on classic pastel / light colors. Furthermore, I had only one hour to complete this as I had promised my husband I would squeeze in an episode of True Detective between putting the toddler down, making the challenge and going to bed (I need to be in bed by 10,30, yawn!).

Using something strong was fun, I added in Rich Razzleberry to give some relief to the Blackberry Bliss, and although you cannot see it too well, those are pearls on the centers of the flowers and down the middle of the butterfly.



Tool kit (all available from my Stamping’ Up! store):




I am so glad I entered this challenge – it really made me try something new, and I am pleased as punch (yup, little bit of a pun intended) with the output. Definitely going to try more challenges!

As ever, if you don’t want to make it, you can always pick it up from my Etsy store.

Happy Stamping!